Resident Directed Care & Household Philosophy

Our large nursing home and assisted living center can be compared to a neighborhood with eight homes (Households). Each Household has a living room, dining room, kitchen and resident bedrooms. Households are entered through a front door. The Elders who live in the Household dine there and participate in social events with the other Elders and staff. Our Households have consistent staffing and team leadership. Elders and their families are part of the decision making process about their lives and care.
Outside of the Household there are areas shared by all; Beauty Shop, Gathering Room (main activities center), Chapel, Therapy Gymnasium, Reception Area and Lucky’s Café. Members of every Household gather in these community areas and there is visiting among the Households as well. Parties and competitions are commonplace and include the Annual Senior prom, Olympics, Chili cook-off and sporting events.
Views of Canfield Court, our Skilled Nursing, Memory Care Household.